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Living Space completes land sale on first development with Orbit Homes in Coventry

15 Mar 2023

Living Space has successfully secured planning permission and completed on the sale of a disused parcel of land in the Holbrooks area of Coventry to Orbit Homes.

Coventry City Council approved the demolition of a pair of semi-detached houses and the construction of 54 affordable properties along with associated landscaping, car parking and a new access, on land at Meadow Road, Coventry.

The 1.35Ha (3.3-acre) site will be a mixed-tenure scheme of terraced and semi-detached housing and walk-up apartments. 32 properties will be delivered for social rent, and 22 for shared ownership.  All of the properties will feature the very latest standards of eco-efficient insulation to minimise household energy consumption and the 22 shared ownership homes will have electric vehicle charging points.

Paul Breen, Managing Director of Living Space Housing, said: “In order to make way for access to this new high-quality housing scheme, we acquired 79 and 81 Meadow Road and secured permission to demolish them. We also bought the disused allotments from Houldsworth Crescent Allotments Limited which were redundant and overgrown.

“This scheme is important to enhance the provision of varying types of affordable housing in north-west Coventry, where there is a shortage of the type of terrace and semi-detached homes, especially purposed designed accommodation in line with the requirements of Homes England.

“This has been a multi-threaded deal involving various landowners and legal interlocking parts which made the purchase especially complex. However, the successful collaboration between Living Space, the vendors and our first with Orbit Homes has ensured that we can all now look forward to bringing 54 much needed affordable homes to market in order to meet local needs.”

Carlo Albertini, Land Manager at Orbit Homes said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Living Space, Coventry City Council and Homes England to deliver 54 high-quality affordable homes at Houldsworth Crescent.

“This exciting development will provide a range of affordable rent and shared ownership properties, and the first homes being delivered in Autumn 2023. I look forward to seeing the site progress and to creating a thriving new community in Coventry.”